In the interest of the greatest convenience of our customers, we have launched the option of ordering a courier online - easily, quickly and without leaving your home. In this way, we significantly speed up the procedure, because the order is immediately transferred to our department. It is enough to fill in the form available below to organize the transport of parcels to the UK in accordance with the highest quality standards.

In order to order a courier who will transport parcels to England, it is enough to provide the sender's and recipient's details, as well as provide additional information, such as the date of shipment, form of payment or issuance of a VAT invoice (optional).

For the safety of the parcel transported to England, we also encourage you to complete the part of the form that relates to the nature of the shipment to the UK. It should include, inter alia, weight, size, value in PLN, detailed content, as well as additional comments regarding the shipment. This will enable the service to be delivered on time and at the highest possible level.



I hereby agree to abide by the terms and conditions as provided on the SINBUS.PL website and give consent for my personal data included in the form above to be processed by SINBUS Usługi Przewozowe Piotr Wiącek consistent with law from 29 September 1977 of Personal Data Protection ( Dz.U.Nr. 133 item 883)


karta stalego klienta


Take advantage of the loyalty card provided for people using our services. travel or shipping packages.

The card entitles you to transport the fifth package for FREE!!!

For details ask a driver.

Telefony PL:

kom.: (+48) 502 917 838
tel.: (+48) 15 832 51 44


phone: (+44) 77 07 66 12 80
mobile: (+44) 7523406008

© 2024 SINBUS Transportation of people and parcels | implementation: studioweb.net.pl